Connecting the World with Exceptional Networking Services.

On Land or at Sea, we enable our clients to communicate, control their data, and operate essential systems through Wide and Local Area Networks.
King Technologies, Inc. is on the front lines of local and wide area network computing technology. We provide solutions to meet specific corporate and government requirements with commercial off-the-shelf solutions tailored to each network.
We specialize in implementing, maintaining and managing wide and local area networks in the government environment.
We provide expert service and experience in designing, testing, implementing, maintaining, and servicing Wide and Local Area Networks, as well as integrating essential operational technology on networks around the world, ashore and afloat. Our staff has the essential knowledge of all aspects of hardware, software, and networking protocols, making us your go-to source for software integration, troubleshooting, service and on-the-job training.
King’s leadership and technical teams are dedicated to providing world-class network service to the government and commercial enterprises. King understands both the nature of a competitive environment and the pressure for companies, with networks of all sizes, to seek out better, more cost-effective solutions. To that end, we offer expertise in five key service areas:
System Administration
Design, Engineering and Testing
Installation and Maintenance
Our field personnel are ready to travel to domestic, foreign, and on-sea sites. All of our technicians and engineers maintain certifications qualifying them as Information Assurance Technicians, as required by the Department of Defense.
3760 Sports Arena Blvd., Suite 12
San Diego, California 92110-5134
Phone: 619-523-4977
Fax: 619-523-8658